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 short                   Short Integer Data Type

    The keyword short may be applied to the int type.  The short int type
    declares an object to be of "plain" integral type.  The size (and
    representation) of a short int object is implementation-defined; a
    short int, however, is guaranteed to be the same or less in size than
    an int.  Whether a "plain" short int is signed or unsigned is

      Notes:    In Turbo C++, the size of a short int object is two
                bytes and "plain" short ints are signed.  That is, short
                int is equivalent to signed short int and its range of
                values is -32768 to 32767, inclusive.

                One of the keywords signed and unsigned may be used as a
                prefix to short int, to identify the short integer as
                being signed or unsigned, respectively.

                If short is used without the keyword int, the int is

                When a short int is used as a function argument, it is
                first promoted to an int.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

           short int value = 6;
           short action_code = 'A';
           short int bit_pattern = '\xAB';
           short int counters[6];
           short *pointer_to_short_int;
           short int function();

           value = (short int) 123.45;
           value = (short) 123.45;

See Also: long signed unsigned Types Type Modifiers
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson